Yanestra <wysi...@seismic.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> just one question: I had a working system yesterday afternoon, but
> after the latest eix-sync my mask settings get ignored and the whole
> system is about to be updated.
> I have read the news message, and I am baffled. What can I do to keep
> my working system as it is?

I'm using grub so I had to add these two lines to packages.use

sys-libs/ncurses abi_x86_32
sys-libs/gpm abi_x86_32

and after that doing the following commands:

emerge -av -C 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86*'
emerge @preserved-rebuild

That was all I had to do and it worked for me without problems.

If you have installed more packages depending on 32bit support you
probably need more entries in packages.use (emerge should tell you what
packages that are).

The news item said:

"In most of the cases, Portage will be able to deliver correct
suggestions for that when using the --autounmask feature. However, some
users may prefer setting ABI_X86 globally to enable 32-bit libraries
in all packages that support building them. This can be done using
the following package.use entry:

    */* abi_x86_32

However I hadn't tested this as I have no need for it.

I think the best insurance against a broken system is a complete
backup. I'm doing this every week anyway but always before a
potential risky update procedure.


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