On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 7:48 AM, Franz Fellner <alpine.art...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You maybe want to have a look at ColorHug:
> http://www.hughski.com/
> I don't own one, but it should work just fine.

I'm still not sure if I feel the need greatly enough to invest in one,
but this looks like a very nice solution.  They offer a LiveCD which
you can use to just create an icc file which you can save to media or
they have a free pastebin-like site that you can post them to for a
week to retrieve after you reboot into your main OS.  That means you
can trivially use this solution on numerous computers without
installing drivers/etc or worrying about compatibility.  I'm sure
getting it working natively on Gentoo wouldn't be a big deal either.

For $100 it doesn't seem like a bad deal.  It does look like you have
to take care of the import side yourself (I've never actually done
that which is ironic since I've spent the last two years working on a
system for automating corporate import declarations - I imagine the
courier will handle it for a fee - I doubt the duties are much).  I
guess they don't just do what all the cheap Amazon vendors do and
stamp "gift" on the outside of the package.


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