> On Mar 27, 2015, at 4:15, "Walter Dnes" <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:
> #!/bin/bash
> [[ -f ~/.Xresources ]] && xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources /usr/bin/xterm -bg black 
> -fg cyan -geometry 50x9+0+0 -fn lucidasanstypewriter-12 &
> /usr/bin/xterm -bg black -fg cyan -geometry +0+0 -fn lucidasanstypewriter-12 &
> exec /usr/bin/icewm > ~/.icewm.log 2>&1
>  Some time ago, somebody decided to deprecate iso8859-1 fonts.  And
> when I run startx, the text console comes up with

Why not use some new TTF? Put the config to ~/Xdefaults:
XTerm*faceName: Liberation Mono XTerm*faceSize: 12

>  xterms come up with some dinky little font.  It's bad enough on a 24
> in 1920x1080 monitor.  On an 11" 1366x768 netbook, it's unreadable.
> When I do a control-right-click on an xterm to manipulate fonts, the
> xterm crashes.

X server abjusts font sizes according to the DPI value. The DPI value it 
calculates might be wrong though: bad EDID most likely. Set the DPI value in 
you Xorg.conf file to make the fonts in constant size.

>  One of the nice things about having multiple machines, is that I still
> had another machine with the old fonts.  For a few years, I've preserved
> a copy of /usr/share/fonts from that machine as fonts_do_not_delete.  So
> each time fonts are "updated" on my machines, I rename /usr/share/fonts
> to /usr/share/fonts.borken and copy the fonts_do_not_delete directory as
> /usr/share/fonts.

CONFIG_PROTECT the directory or make the fonts immutable so they don't get 
removed. chattr +i

>  OK, so whats supposed to be "the right way" to get working xterms with
> lucidasanstypewriter-12?


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