On 08.03.2015 18:09, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

> For the sake of testing it, I copied my 3.19.0 entry into a 3.18.9 and
> 3.19.1 entries and rebooted. Here it works fine Stefan (see attached
> image); I don't know why it doesn't with yours.
> I see you have some grub related files in your /boot directory. I don't
> have those:
> # tree -L 2 /boot
> /boot
> ├── db93dd0e1382198eb26650c05430b171
> │   ├── 3.18.9
> │   ├── 3.19.0
> │   └── 3.19.1
> ├── EFI
> │   ├── Boot
> │   ├── gummiboot
> │   └── Microsoft
> └── loader
>     ├── entries
>     ├── gentoo.bmp
>     └── loader.conf
> 10 directories, 2 files
> I don't think it has anything to do, but AFAICS, it's the only difference.

Yes, I played with grub in a second UEFI-"slot" to be able to boot from
iso-images. But that stuff was there when I installed 3.19.0 back then
... so ...

The UEFI-level of things won't matter, I assume. UEFI chooses and starts
gummiboot, from there the two bootloaders shouldn't collide, I think.


Additionally the same new kernel installed without a problem on my
thinkpad (3.19.1 ... with kerninst as well).

No idea.

But no big problem, I can edit that conf-file whenever I install a new
kernel. Sure, would be nice to solve.

thanks @all

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