On Fri, 13 Feb 2015 21:08:55 +0000 (UTC), James wrote:

> > I doubt dpkg and rpm aren't going to be much use to you, unless you
> > really want to run two package managers. Besides, both are not
> > especially useful with the front ends apt* and yum.  
> I'd just use those to unpackage and maybe preprocess some of the codes.
> Agreed. I do not want a full blown deb or rpm package manager just
> a way to install and evaluate some of those codes before beginning a
> more arduous  and comprehensive task.

In that case you ware deb2targz or rpm2targz to convert the package to a
tarball. then you can unpack it and inspect the contents.

Neil Bothwick

If it ain't broke, break it and charge for repair.

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