On 21/01/2015 17:42, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:17 AM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On 21/01/2015 15:23, Alec Ten Harmsel wrote:
>>> On 01/21/2015 07:47 AM, Sam Bishop wrote:
>>>>> So I've been thinking crazy thoughts.
>>>>> Theoretically it can't be that hard to do a complete package binhost for 
>>>>> gentoo.
>>> I love that you qualify this with "theoretically."
>>>>> To be clear, when i say complete, Im referring to building, all
>>>>> versions of all ebuilds marked stable or unstable on amd64, with every
>>>>> combination of use flags.
>>> Every ebuild with every combination of USE flags? This is likely
>>> impossible, and definitely not feasible.
>> A sentence: flameyes' blog describes just how long it takes to do basic
>> runs and the difficulties attached
> To be fair, this project wouldn't have to deal with all the error
> reporting/etc which the tinderbox does have to deal with.  It also
> won't be predominantly run in conditions where failures are
> anticipated (new system packages, etc).  It also doesn't have to do
> tests/etc, though that would obviously be nice.  Obviously it will
> still take just as long to build.

To be equally fair, I was responding to the OP's idea that it is
feasible to do this:

"To be clear, when i say complete, Im referring to building, all
versions of all ebuilds marked stable or unstable on amd64, with every
combination of use flags."

That is well-nigh impossible in any reasonable time frame. How many
packages in the tree? My trusty find command and some guessing tell me
around 18,000, plus 8309 lines in profiles/use.*. I shudder to think how
much compiling that will take.

I mentioned Diego's tinderbox because that's a real-life example of
building everything in a build-host type environment and how long it
takes to compile just one run.

> Again, I suggest walking before running here.  Try building a binpkg
> repository for @world with only kde-meta in the world file on the kde
> desktop profile with no other changes other than # jobs/etc (or pick
> gnome if you prefer).  See how much effort that takes to get working
> (and keep up to date) and use that as a guide for what it will take to
> go beyond that.  Just that would be very useful - it would be a great
> tool for anybody who manages to break their toolchains or dealing with
> a very stale install.

Agreed. I think what would be useful in real life would be binpkgs for
each profile in the tree with default USE for each, done once a week or
once a fortnight. Think in terms of stage3 raised to the next level.
Useful for getting oneself out of a jam - it's quite surprising how many
people have deleted gcc or all versions of python then come here for
advice. Usually they get told to unpack the package from stage3 in a
chroot - recent binpkgs are a cool nice-to-have.

Alan McKinnon

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