So I've been thinking crazy thoughts.

Theoretically it can't be that hard to do a complete package binhost for gentoo.

To be clear, when i say complete, Im referring to building, all
versions of all ebuilds marked stable or unstable on amd64, with every
combination of use flags.

This pretty much boils down to bytes and bytes of storage + compute
resources. Both of which are easily available to me. So I began
pondering and here I am, thinking to myself "is this really all there
is too it"?

Does it really come down to CPU cycles and repeatedly running through
the following commands for each combination of ebuild, version and use
  emerge --emptytree --onlydeps ${name}
  emerge --emptytree --buildpkgonly --buildpkg ${name}

Obviously running them in a clean environment each time, either by
chroot or other means.
Then just storing the giant binhost somewhere suitable such as an AWS
s3 bucket setup to work via HTTP so the normal tools work fine with

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