Walter Dnes <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 07:43:24AM -0500, wrote
> > What I got out of the control-shift-i console is specified type
> > attribute of "" not supported load of media resource failed.
> > All  candidate resources failed to load media load paused.
> > Now, getting a new profile made things work, I will have to set all the
> > settings again -- I hope things don't break, but now I wonder what
> > happened because I lost all the bookmarks, etc.  I renamed the old
> > profile, so its still there so maybe something can be figured out.
>   You can copy stuff from your old profile.  The important stuff is in
> addons.sqlite
> content-prefs.sqlite
> cookies.sqlite
> extensions.sqlite
> formhistory.sqlite
> permissions.sqlite
> places.sqlite
> signons.sqlite
> webappsstore.sqlite
>   E.g. places. sqlite is a combination of bookmarks and history.

Thanks, I will try that.  I wonder why it went bad, it was very
frustrating.  I think I will just copy that one file and not try to get
it all since some of it may be corrupted.

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici

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