On 2015-01-07, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Meld 3.12.2 went stable a couple weeks ago and got upgraded from
> 1.8.5.  After the 1.8->3.12 upgrade, the application preferences no
> longer worked. They neither affect the application nor do they get
> saved.
> If I block meld 3.x and go back to 1.8.5, everything works fine again.
> On the meld mailing list, they say settings have moved from gconf to
> gsettings/dconf, and if settings don't work it's a distro problem.
> The gsettings app seems to work find and can find/change settings for
> varioius other apps (gnumeric, evince, etc.), but it doesn't show any
> schema/keys for meld.
> Then I realized, I didn't even have dconf installed.  Is that a
> missing dependancy in the meld 3 ebuild?
> So I emerged dconf, and then re-emerged glib.
> No change; meld 3 preferences don't work, gsettings works the same as
> before.

After shutting down XFCE and X11, and then restarting, it looks like
meld preferences are now working (and gsettings has switched over from
using gconf to using dconf). 

AFAICT meld requires dconf, and it's missing as a dependancy in the
meld 3 ebuild.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Maybe I should have
                                  at               asked for my Neutron Bomb
                              gmail.com            in PAISLEY --

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