AFAIK fail2ban tails log files to find login failures, but when i try lsof
its not reading daemon.log/auth.log/whatever for sshd's login failure

# ps -ef | grep fail2
root       518     1  0 Jan01 ?        00:05:22 /usr/bin/python3.4
/usr/lib64/python-exec/python3.4/fail2ban-server -s
/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock -p /run/fail2ban/ -x -b
root     21407 21250  0 11:45 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --colour=auto fail2
# lsof -p 518 | grep var
fail2ban- 518 root    5w   REG              9,126      107   263885
fail2ban- 518 root    6u   REG              9,126    16384  1180229

What am I missing?

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