find / -xdev -inum <#>

If you know it is in a directory more specific than /, replace / with
that directory. inodes are only meaningful to ext2/3/4, but you can
use the fs tools to find out where it is on disk.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Poison BL. <> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 3:24 PM,  <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> with
>>     sysctl vm.block_dump=1
>> one can enable the logging of IO to the harddisk/flashmem/...
>> into dmesg.
>> The logs report the block number of the file in question...
>> but not the filename itsself.
>> Is there any other way as examine each single file of the
>> filesystem to find the file to which a certain block number
>> is assigned?
>> Thank you  very mcuh for any help!
>> Best regards,
>> Meino
> That depends entirely on the filesystem being used. In the case of
> ext2/3/4, I believe /sbin/debugfs will do the trick with its icheck
> command to get the inode, and once you have the inode, you can get the
> filename via find. What I'm not 100% certain of is whether the block
> numbers involved map 1:1 with physical sectors, and how that plays
> with the 512B vs 4KB sectors, etc. With NTFS it's a hair quicker with
> ntfscluster and ntfsinfo doing the trick fairly trivially (I use a
> tool centered around that combo to identify files lost when I recover
> peoples windows drives with ddrescue).
> --
> Poison [BLX]
> Joshua M. Murphy

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