James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> writes: > Harry Putnam <reader <at> newsguy.com> writes: > > >> James <wireless <at> tampabay.rr.com> writes: >> > lxde is deprecated, imho. [1] >> > lxqt is the future of that lineage [2] >> Sounds like propaganda rather rather than any sort of answer to >> the question. > > > OK, if that is true, who is answering your questions on lxde, which > I am still using? I have lots of breakage on lxde; I do not bother > fixing. I'm working on migrating to lxqt. Good luck with lxde.
For your information: Attached is message from the lxde devel gmane group from Jonathan Thibault <jonat...@navigue.com>. PS: I installed and tried out lxqt. I was not impressed. It appears only about half ready for production.