Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> [14-12-17 07:20]:
> meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On my embedded systems (beaglebone black, 2 x Arietta G25) I installed
> > Gentoo (of course!:).
> > Since these systems and especially the Ariettas are not as fast as a
> > PC the greater update, which additionally includes C++ sources to
> > compile takes time (read: hours) to finish. Often I run this over
> > night.
> >
> > Since my PC do the forwarding of requests to the internet, it has to
> > run the whole time also.
> >
> > To circumvent this I access the embedded systems via abduco/dvtm, so
> > I can log out while the process keeps running.
> >
> > The current (shorted decription) workflow is
> >
> > eix-sync
> > emerge ... -f (fetching all items, so the connection to the internet is
> >                no longer needed)
> > emerge ...    (starting the compilation, logout and shutdown the PC)
> >
> >
> > This includes "Calculating dependencies" twice of the same set of
> > data, which also takes a longer time. This is -- technically -- not
> > needed.
> >
> > Is it possible, to do ONE call to emerge, which asks (according
> > to option -a, if set ) and given a yes first fetches ALL necessary
> > files and data and compiles then everything?
> >
> > This would save one "Calculating dependencies" and also reduces writes
> > to the flash memory.
> >
> > Is it currently possible somehow and if not: I would like to have it
> > included as new feature into an upcoming release of emerge?!?!
> >
> > Thanks a lot in advance! 8)
> > Best regards,
> > Meino
> >
> >
> >
> >
> You may want to set this in your make.conf file:
> FEATURES="parallel-fetch"
> What that does, as soon as you start the emerge process, it starts to
> download the needed files.  It doesn't wait until it is ready to work on
> the package to download it.  I've had that set for so long, no idea if
> anything has changed as far as defaults.  I just know it works that way
> here. 
> If you set that, you should be able to sync, start emerge and when it
> downloads the last files/tarballs it needs, you can then remove your
> internet connection.  You can monitor that with this command. 
> tail -f /var/log/emerge-fetch.log
> Hope that helps.
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

Hi Dale,

thanks for your reply ! :)

I know of that flag, but it does not exaclty what I want.
It parallelizes compilation and downloading.

How can I exactly determine, that the last file has been
downloaded without watching the monitor all the (because 
these are embedded systems: "long") time?

Best regards,

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