On 16/12/2014 22:02, James wrote:
> Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon <at> gmail.com> writes:
>>> But, eix-update failed extensively on the  zugaina overlay.
>> error messages?
> The entire zugaina repo fails on 'eix-update' all of the other
> repos are fine, even my local repo with 'eix-update'
> too numerous  to grab top. Here's a few examples:
> ebuild failed with status 1
>      Reading category  41|163 ( 25%): dev-perl ..
> Could not properly execute
> /var/lib/layman/zugaina/dev-perl/Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA/Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA-0.13.ebuild
>      Reading category  41|163 ( 25%): dev-perl .. * ERROR:
> dev-perl/Data-Serializer-0.570::zugaina failed (depend phase):
>  *   EAPI=3 is not supported by perl-module.eclass

The repo content is broken. Nothing to do with not-git

Tell the overlay maintainer to fix the ebuilds hosted there

Alan McKinnon

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