<meino.cramer <at> gmx.de> writes:

> Both run the same Gentoo.
> Both do ethernet over usb.
> Both are configured to have different IPs of the same subnet
> and do have different MACs.

So you can ping each one (the separate IP addresses), not from the
system where they are connecto to the usb hub on the mobo, but
a seccond system on your local ethernet?

> Both are connected to the same usb hub of the motherboard of
> my PC (shich runs Gentoo...).

Try to connect one to a different system's usb.

man lsusb to get the options you need for lsusb

> But regardless in which order I plug in the USB cables to
> those little boards: I cannot ssh to the second board.

put it on a second PC's usb buss. Let's get that working first
before you put them on the same PC, OK?

> When used alone there are no problems, so both boards
> are technically ok.
> Do I really need two interfaces isb0 and usb1 with different
> subnets here?

No, you should not. They can be attached to (2) different PCs that
are on the same subnet. Try that first.


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