Am 27.11.2014 um 15:21 schrieb Tom H:

> Lennart made some design choices that I wish that he hadn't made but
> I'm not losing any sleep over this; and I don't understand why anyone
> else should.

Three frequently brought up issues:

1. Lennart Poettering does not exactly have a track record of making
excellent software, more likely making banana software and if he loses
interest in his project, hopefully someone will take over.

Though him stepping back from Systemd would not be a big issue, because
Red Hat does endorse and support it and for sure would find someone else
to step up.

Excellent software though is another cup of coffee, many just don't want
to have his stuff being responsible for booting up their system because
of his track record and personal attitude he shows at some conferences
and is being held up against him quite frequently.

(For example stuff like this here should not happen:

2. The "Red Hat wants to take over all other Linux distributions, then
squash them and Systemd it their trojan horse."

3. Systemd just got way too big and complicated for the taste of many
techies, also usurping the development of other key components which in
former times where independent (think about udev, there's a reason for
why the eudev-fork came into existance).

This and Systemd becoming a hard dependancy for important software

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