On 11/21/14 07:32, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 1:17 AM, Paige Thompson <erra...@yourstruly.sx> wrote:
>> I just read an article that says systemd is taking over linux and linux
>> is not linux anymore:
>> http://blog.lusis.org/blog/2014/11/20/systemd-redux/
> I highly recommend the article John Corbet wrote for LWN a week ago:
> http://lwn.net/Articles/619992/
> TL;DR, the sky is not falling, let's see how systemd evolves and
> succeds, fails, or it's replaced.
>> I kinda have to agree which is partially why I'm not using it. Will
>> Gentoo have any plans of forcing its users to move to systemd or will I
>> always (such as its always roughly been) have the option of using init
>> and openrc as it is now?
> As long as there are developers willing and able to support OpenRC in
> Gentoo (and it looks like there are), that will be the case. To make
> sure that this remains to be true, help them.
>  I personally have no reasons currently to
>> switch from one to the other. It seems like it might be a great thing if
>> you have linux containers.
> It's actually a great thing for a lot of use cases. But it doesn't
> seem that Gentoo will change defaults soon, although systemd works
> great with it.
> Regards.
Great article, I should merely point out it's ridiculous that people get
so bent out of shape over computer software. It contrasted the
transition of devfs to udev well which I can relate to and thought of in
my previous response. I was trying to explain I don't really know enough
about either systemd or openrc to say whether or not support for one or
the other will ever be dropped.

My deal is I have everything I want setup, it works and I want to leave
it that way. I deal with security problems and updates proactively and
on a case-by-case and as-per-needed basis. I'm not looking forward to
migrating to systemd if I don't need to but I will if that's what it
takes to get back to my real work with the peace of mind that I can
still install new software if I choose to and actually be able to use it.

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