On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 08:41:05AM +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:46:45 +1100, wraeth wrote:
> > > Interestingly, how do you remove an binary package using portage when
> > > you no longer need it?  Using 'rm -i <package>' manually?  
> > 
> > The `eclean` utility from app-portage/gentoolkit can do this for you (as
> > well as maintaining your distfiles directory).
> I didn't think eclean could handle individual packages? They are just
> files, so rm is fine.
> > There's nothing overly special about it, though, so if you feel the need
> > you can just `rm` files (though eclean is better).
> Beware of eclean if you use a shared $DISTDIR (or a shared $PKGDIR) if
> you have computers with the same architecture and settings). eclean run n
> one computer may remove files wanted by others on the network.
> -- 
> Neil Bothwick
> There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.

Thanks for clarification!

So far I couldn't reproduce my "problem" anymore and I think I just made
a wrong observation.
Initially I asked because I was pretty sure I had a binary package of
traceroute-2.0.18 which I believe were deleted after I upgraded to
However, I did some tests and it seems traceroute was the only example I
could find were this happen and now I'm not even sure if I ever had an
binary package of traceroute-2.0.18.

Here is also a brief explanation of what I'm actually trying to achieve:
A few weeks ago I set up another gentoo system on a rather old system
(core2duo/4gb ram/1TB storage). Since this one should be just a computer
for toying and trying around I thought about to put rootfs on a lvm 
partition so that I can easily clone the whole system.
This works flawless. With a little nice script I've wrote myself I can
easily clone/delete/backup/restore complete system's in minutes, which is
why I already have 6 different systems.
        - gentoo_base
        - gentoo_cinnamon
        - gentoo_gnome (with systemd)
        - gentoo_kde
        - gentoo_kde_testing
        - gentoo_lxqt
I guess the names are self-explaining. 

Moreover, I also had the idea to share similar packages across these
systems. This would mean, if I already installed xorg on
gentoo_cinnamon, I don't have to build it again on gentoo_kde. In this
case binary packages are a big win. Only packages with different use
flags would be rebuild. It's especially handy on packages like firefox,
chromium or libreoffice. :)

After I though old binaries were deleted I was eagerly to find a
solution for that, since it would make my setup less practical.
After all I should have checked other packages more carefully before 
asking stupid questions, but laziness lead me to my initial mail...

Older packages are kept, so everything seems to work as expected. I've
also checked for rm/elcean in cron and other places were it could run
automatically but I couldn't find anything.
I also tested on different systems with different packages. No problems
so far.

I'll keep an eye on it, but I guess there wasn't really a problem.

Michael Mair-Keimberger

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