Mal Herring wrote:
Hi List,
Been looking on looking for a way to pair two NIC's so
that should the primary fail, the secondary takes over...
The situation is this:
8 HP DL380G4's all running Gentoo moving into a data centre rack, the
firewall is currently a Netscreen(Juniper) 25 and another will be added
to give us Active/Passive failover on the firewalls.
Redundant switches will be added behind the firewalls to ensure that is
not a single point of failure, all the DL380 have two NIC's in them and
currently only one is active.
All boxes covered with HP on a 24x7x4 Carepaq, redundant power supplies
to be added - DC is a N+1 so fine there...
Biggest issue I am facing and becoming lost on is teaming the NIC's so I
can connect NIC1 to Switch 1 and NIC2 to switch 2 etc...
I've got three scenarios which may work, but none are close to perfect.
1. Take the hit.
Build your setup with enough extra capacity that losing a switch and
all the machines behind it won't cause downtime. The pros are it's easy,
failover isn't complicated, but you may need more machines than you have
2. Routers routers everywhere
Run a routing daemon on each server. Real interfaces become /30 links
and the server daemons run on a loopback address. The end effect is that
there are two paths to your loopback, OSPF converges quickly, and src
IP's and arp addresses never change. The cons is that it's complicated
and there are a thousand and one ways to shoot yourself in the foot.
3. local VRRP
Set eth0 as .2 and eth1 as .3 and then have them collude to make .1.
Assuming things fail in such a way that eth0 fails completely then .3
should take over as the primary interface and take .1 with it. Better
machine use, less complicated than OSPF everywhere, but I'm not sure
it'll work. I suspect that eth0 and eth1 will stay up as far as the
local machine is concerned and won't move the virtual IP around.
None of these ideas are great, but might get you thinking about
something that might work.
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