On 11/05/14 00:01, Dale wrote:
> Paige Thompson wrote:
>> Sorry for the dumb message, I figured out how to use eselect python (the
>> syntax is a little weird and not very well documented.) This fixed my
>> issue as near as I can tell.
> For future reference, make sure nothing depends on whatever version of
> python you want to remove before you remove it.  If you don't, it could
> get very interesting in a really bad way.  Python is one of those
> packages that you have to watch out for gotchas on.  It sometimes comes
> back and bites you.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)
I don't think I removed it, just figured out how to change it with
eselect. Here's what I mean:

laptop#eselect python
Usage: eselect python <action> <options>

Standard actions:
 help                     Display help text
 usage                    Display usage information
 version                  Display version information

Extra actions:
 list                     List installed Python interpreters
   --python2                 List installed Python 2 interpreters
   --python3                 List installed Python 3 interpreters
 set <target>             Set main active Python interpreter
   --python2                 Set active Python 2 interpreter without
setting of main active Python interpreter if it is not set to Python 2
   --python3                 Set active Python 3 interpreter without
setting of main active Python interpreter if it is not set to Python 3
 show                     Show main active Python interpreter
   --ABI                     Show Python ABI in format of PYTHON_ABI
   --python2                 Show active Python 2 interpreter
   --python3                 Show active Python 3 interpreter
 update                   Switch to the most recent CPython interpreter
   --if-unset                Do not override existing implementation
   --ignore SLOT             Ignore SLOT when setting symlinks
   --python2                 Set active Python 2 interpreter without
setting of main active Python interpreter if it is not set to Python 2
   --python3                 Set active Python 3 interpreter without
setting of main active Python interpreter if it is not set to Python 3

>From this information I wouldn't expect :

laptop#eselect python set python2.7

To have been correct... since it lists --python2 and --python3 below
"set" in the help but:

laptop#python --version
Python 2.7.7

It does, and thats pretty much all I needed. No need to unmerge anything
but the thought did cross my mind and if I were going to I would've made
a binpkg first.



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