I updated to KDE 4.11.13/4.14.2 and in the middle of the emerge, my monitor's resolution was changed from 1920x1080 to 640x480. After the emerge I simply restarted. The system booted into a KDE with 640x480. I went to the System Settings application and into the "Display and Monitor" section to change my resolution again.

The "Display Configuration" in there is now almost empty. The options that used to be there for setting resolution and refresh rate, don't exist anymore. They're gone.

Fortunately, the "NVidia X Server Settings" application allowed for changing these settings on the fly, so I got unstuck from 640x480. But now I have to explicitly set 1920x1080. Normally I left the settings at "Automatic", and the best resolution for my monitor was automatically chosen. Now this isn't the case anymore. KDE seems to think that my monitor's optimal resolution is 640x480...

What happened? Where are the KDE settings for my monitor?

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