> On Oct 18, 2014, at 21:04, Gevisz <gev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 18 Oct 2014 13:10:15 +0300
> gevisz <gev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have found out that my problem with xfce4 keyboard plugin
>> reduces to the fact that now I cannot choose Russian Winkeys
>> alternative keyboard: there is no such option in the corresponding
>> keyboard layout settings. So, I have to choose Osetinian Winkeys
>> alternative keyboard as it is appears to be the next best choice:
>> only one extra unnecessary letter "ӕ" in place of "э" and the letter
>> "э" is set in another easy to remember position.
> Oh, no. I was wrong! Because, in the Osetinian Winkeys
> keyboard layout, I cannot find letter "ё".
> And this issue significantly slows down my work! 
>> But everything worked perfect before emerging xfce4-weather-plugin
>> with patches and libidn!

Well you should configure keyboard layouts through evdev. If you update 
xorg-server you will need to remerge x11-drivers.

So configure evdev as suggested by previous emails and then remerge x11-drivers.


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