On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Kerin Millar <kerfra...@fastmail.co.uk> wrote:
> On 11/10/2014 21:13, James wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was just following the handbook for an amd64 install; I have
>> not looked at the handbook in a while. I downloaded the stage3
>> tarball and the portage-latest tarball at the same time, like I always
>> have done. The handbook give instructions for untaring the stage3, in
>> section 5, but not the  portage tarball, or did I miss something?
> It specifies that emerge-webrsync be used, automating the process of
> fetching and extracting a portage tarball.

Correct.  This is much more efficient than rsync when you're starting
from an empty tree, which was one of the reasons the old procedure
used to recommend using a portage tarball.  emerge-webrsync works well
and is easier to use anyway.


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