Michael Orlitzky <mjo <at> gentoo.org> writes:

> src_compile() {
>       ./sbt/sbt assembly || die "assembly build failed"
>       [the rest of the build commands go here]
> }

> Someone may be working on scala in an overlay; the java herd is taking
> care of dev-lang/scala so perhaps you can ask in #gentoo-java.

OK, it's very close to working. I filed bug 523412 if anyone is
interested. I'll contact the java herd or wait until a dev
looks at the bug.

I also updated the bug (510912) for Apache-mesos with Mesos-0.20.0 as it
needs to be tested. In installs but it needs further testing. I also need to
figure out how to post them to sunrise. Hopefully a java dev will pick
these up and give me a hand. Also,  there may be bug or 2 in mesos-0.20.0.

Thanks for all the help!


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