On 09/18/14 19:14, Alan McKinnon wrote:
On 18/09/2014 18:44, Joseph wrote:
I want to run a cron job only once a month.  The problem is the computer
is only on on weekdays Mon-Fri. 1-5

cron tab as this below is an "or" condition as it has entries in Days of
the Months and Day of the  Week

5 18 1 * 2  rsync -av ...

so it will run on days 1 or Tuesday of each months.

Is it possible to create "and" condition, eg. run it on Tuesday between
days 1 to 7; depend on which day Tuesday falls on?

Not in one line.

Split it into two crontab entries.

Interesting.  How do you split cron job? I couldn't find any examples.


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