On 18/09/14 03:12, Alec Ten Harmsel wrote:
> Mark David Dumlao wrote:
>> The code is out there. Freely available. Both systemd and sysvinit.
>> If you wanted to measure both, you could, literally, in the time it
>> took since you first posted in this thread till now you could have
>> measured several times and left mean comments about whichever
>> system you hated the most.
> Unfortunately, the systemd guys keep screaming that systemd is faster,
> and burden of proof is on the party that's claiming something. It's not
> James'/Volker's responsibility to prove that systemd isn't faster.
> That said, you guys need to stop flaming. If anything, it's easy to
> dislike SysVInit because the init scripts it uses are piles of bash,
> compared to a Systemd init script that has a handful of systemd config.
> Is systemd starting to encompass too much? I think so, but who cares? If
> we want an init manager that reads systemd-like files but doesn't do
> anything else (hostnamectl, logging, udev, etc.), I guess we'll have to
> make one.
> Alec

Notably Gentoo has never used entire SysV, only the init part, not the
/etc.d/rc.d part
So this POSIX sh script's are coming from dedicated *Gentoo* project,
which is sys-apps/openrc

Just clarifying

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