On Wednesday 17 Sep 2014 13:31:53 James wrote:
> Helmut Jarausch <jarausch <at> igpm.rwth-aachen.de> writes:
> > > > > > how do I need to configure my Gentoo box to allow for reverse
> > > > > 
> > > > > tethering from my (rooted) Android phone?
> PPP over usb is the most probable route. PPP is basically
> TCP/IP (usually over a serial link/prototol_carrier).
> This might help: "How to set up Android ppp over usb with adb"
> http://www.xinotes.net/notes/note/1500/
> You still ahve to set up NAT ont he linux box, probable with
> iptalbes. MIcks post looks reasonable, but there may (will)
> be addtional issues; just flesh them out, one at a time.
> All of this over a serial (RS232_C) link between the phone
> and the PC is old stuff and may best to get working first,
> then migrate it over USB.
> Also find a good usb_sniffer so you can ensure the bits are bidirectional
> across the usb ports.
> Last. There is a "GentRoid" project and I'm quite certain that (gentoo)
> embeded dude, will be a fantastic resource, if all else fails.
> Also one of the main devs for Selinux (Russell Coker) is a great
> help as he has wrote of the early Selinux  and put it on an Android phone.
> It takes him a while to respond, but that info might aid your google
> searches for solutions too. Use Russell as a last resort.
> PPP/USB is what you are talking about. USB chips confiturations
> inside a specific Android phone, might be limited (locked to keep
> cpu cycles down) so you might also have to find an app that allows
> you to "change settings" on the usb port on your Android phone. You
> may have to "root" your Android phone to get this working.....
> Last, you might have to "tweak" your gentoo linux kernel (usb, ppp,
> iptables) etc etc. It'd be great when you get it working to put
> something up on wiki.gentoo.org.
> good hunting!
> James
> PS: my challenge word, via gmane posting, today is "posers"
> I guess gmane knows today is an *ebuild hackfest day*  for me....

PPP would be necessary if authentication, compression, et al. is required, but 
I think that in this case none of this is necessary, at least as far as the 
Linux PC is concerned.  The incoming usb0 interface (or whatever the Android 
is recognised as) will be seen as an ethernet interface by the PC and good ol' 
NAT will forward it out via the PC's default NIC.  I could be wrong, but 
without access to Helmut's phone I can't speak with any certainty.


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