On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 12:54 AM, Joseph <syscon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No, I wouldn't get 1TB SSD too expensive but something like 300GB I might
> consider it.
> Are they worth the investment? What brand do you have and how long?

SSDs improve performance significantly, but as you point out they are
quite expensive.  If you use one you should consider using a
filesystem optimized for flash.

If you're talking about a laptop then your options are going to be
limited, since they're typically not overflowing with drive bays.

However, for a desktop/server I would recommend a small SSD for the OS
and selected other files, and spinning disks for general storage.  I
have a 64GB SSD which is fairly inexpensive and use it for my root,
but home and selected directories out of var are on spinning disk.
So, I can have 7TB of disk space and keep the cost reasonably low, and
get almost the same benefit out of having the most-frequently-accessed
files on SSD.  I use RAID for the spinning disks, and do daily backups
of the SSD - little of importance on the SSD changes all that often
anyway and since it is only 64GB a restore will go quickly.

I actually mount my browser cache, /var/tmp, and /usr/portage on
tmpfs.  Distfiles and pkgdir are on the spinning disks.

If the /usr move ever becomes an option on Gentoo then it would get
even simpler - stick /usr on the SSD.


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