On 2014-08-13, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 13/08/2014 19:21, Grant Edwards wrote:

>> This is not Gentoo specific, and while I'm doing my prototyping and
>> development on a Gentoo system, the eventual target is not going to
>> be running Gentoo -- so feel free to ignore this thread or throw
>> things at me.
>> I'm trying to figure out how to synchronize threads which may be in
>> different processes.  Basically, I want thread A to be able to wake up
>> any number of other threads B, C, D, ... who are all blocking until A
>> says "go" (and who may or may not be in other processes).
> Sounds like you a "one talker - many listeners" model.

For that particular case, yes.

> Have you considered a really simple solution like dbus?

I don't know if I would call dbus "really simple".  :)

My current implementation uses Unix domain sockets (which is what dbus
usually uses, isn't it?), and I'm trying to figure out how to reduce
overhead and latency.  dbus would add even more overhead (it has code
to deal with byte ordering, serial/cookies, and various other features
and abstractions).  I'm not sure it's really practical for
high-frequency events (e.g 100-200 events per second).

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I've got a COUSIN
                                  at               who works in the GARMENT
                              gmail.com            DISTRICT ...

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