On 13/08/2014 14:18, Alec Ten Harmsel wrote:
> On Wed 13 Aug 2014 03:10:22 AM EDT, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> Bash is also like that, omfg; bash seems to have been designed to make
>> decent code fundamentally impossible to write...
> I mean, if you're trying to write anything more than a screenful in Bash
> you should definitely use Ruby or Python IMNHO. The RVM (Ruby Version
> Manager) project recently was raising money to pay a developer to port
> ~20,000 lines of Bash to Ruby, which is just embarrassing.


>> I will refrain from commenting on perl
> I wrote 250 lines of perl and forgot how it worked a day later ;) Write
> it, ship it, forget about it.

I had the pleasure of maintaining an exceptionally well-written bespoke
perl app of 20,000+ lines. Written by an exceptional mathematician with
10+ years of sysadmin experience, that code base was a dream. It all
just made so much sense, perl notwithstanding.

At the same time I also had to maintain another giant 5,000 line
monolithic beast that brought any strong developer to their knees. Oh,
the pain, the pain.

So with perl it can go both ways

Alan McKinnon

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