25.07.2014 02:52, Neil Bothwick пишет:
> On Tue, 22 Jul 2014 18:23:47 -0400, Walter Dnes wrote:
>>   I'm a total noobie at mtpfs/FUSE.  My "excellent adventure" started
>> yesterday when I got a clearout 7" tablet, and took a sample photo, and
>> tried mounting the tablet... no /dev/sdb to be found anywhere.  I went
>> to "Mr. Google" for help, and found out that MTP is the "new and
>> improved" way of doing things.
> Improved, maybe, necessary, definitely. The old way of using mass storage
> meant the storage had to be unmounted on the phone first, which could
> break running applications.
>> So I installed mtpfs.  It works great
>> for root, but a regular user can't mount the tablet.  The mtpfs command
>> immediately returns to the command prompt, with no error message or any
>> other info.
> I has problems with mtpfs and switched to jmtpfs, which works much
> better. Or you can install SSHd on the tablet and use scp/sshfs.
I had problems with mtpfs and switched to simple-mtpfs, which works fine
for me.

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