Gevisz <> wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Jun 2014 11:51:40 -0400
> wrote:
> > Hi.  If I don't log in to gdm after a few minutes gdm enters a mode
> > where no keystroke seems to wake it up -- I did manage to move the
> > mouse and wake it up, but is there a way to disable the feature
> > (maybe its a screen saver or something), so it does not go to sleep?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> Are you sure that you need gdm at all?
> The startx command from the console already after login there
> works just fine.
> The only thing you need is to put something like
>  export XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome-
>  exec gnome-session
> into your ~/.xinitrc file.
> Those lines was needed for my Gnome2.
> Gnome3 may need something different.
> But I do not care any more, as I migrated to xfce4. :)

I have tried that in the past, I may do that instead.


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         John Covici

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