looks promising:

virt-backup dumps and packs a 12 GB image-file within ~145 seconds to a
non-compressing btrfs subvolume:

a) does a LVM-snapshot

b) dd with bs=4M and through pigz to the target file

The bigger LV with ~250GB is running right now.

The system feels snappier than with the old kernel ... I wonder if there
is more to tune as right now I am using the rather generic config which
is not tuned for the specific CPU, for example (which might even have
helped? ;-) ).

That was good progress today ... but I might consider re-configuring the
RAIDs as mentioned.

As I run backups via amanda I have to provide a so called holding disk
as intermediate place for dumps on their way to the tape drive.

This means copying around stuff within the same hardware raid array.

One big fat hw-RAID10 might be better?
But losing the wrong 2 drives makes it crash again ... afaik.

time for a break here.

Greets, Stefan

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