On 10/06/2014 12:36, thegeezer wrote:
>> +1 to just letting portage work with world.
>> >
>> > What I have found useful when trying to do what Alan is attempting, is
>> > to select a chunk of packages at a time (like say all of kde, then a
>> > bunch of daemons). If I get a block, drop it and try the next chunk.
> you might also like to know about my favourite flag "keep-going", which
> drops the failed emerge and goes to the next non-dependent on what failed.
> emerge -uDNa --keep-going

I know about --keep-going, I don't like it much.

It's also a different topic, what's being mentioned here is how to get
past the bit where portage fails to give an emerge list due to blockers.

Alan McKinnon

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