On 06/03/2014 01:08 PM, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote: > Who is "forcing" anything? pm-utils has been unmaintained FOR FIVE > YEARS. Any project that decides to stop using it is making just the > right decision; UPower just did the correct thing. And systemd had > *nothing* to do with it, except for providing a better, more reliable > alternative. > > That's what you and many others don't seem to understand: systemd is a > *BETTER* implementation for basically *ALL* the hodgepodge of > "solutions" that we had before in our plumbing layer.
<snip> > > There is no conspiracy here (although for *SURE* there are > scare-mongering conspiracy theorists); there is (sic) only developers > working in the best possible implementation for our plumbing layer, > and other developers realizing that, in Linux at least, supporting > anything besides systemd is a freakin' waste of time and resources. > > Again; you don't like it? Then do something about it instead of > posting in *-user lists. You are certainly keen in pressing your *opinions* here there and everywhere. Sure, systemd is a more elegant solution than the patchworks that have been applied several times to the original SysV concept. However, the implementors and advocates of systemd have stepped on the concerns and violated certain basic freedoms of many folks in their zeal to see their vision become predominate. -- G.Wolfe Woodbury