Jonathan Callen <> wrote:

> On 05/26/2014 03:44 PM, wrote:
> > Hi.  I have noticed that when I bootup using systemd, till I run 
> > ntpdate, the times are 4 hours earlier than they should be.  Do I
> > need an hwclock unit somewhere, or some other command to fix?  I
> > don't think the clock is actually wrong, its got to have something
> > to do with the timezone.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> > 
> First, make sure that the system time zone is correct by making sure
> that /etc/localtime is a symlink to your current timezone (in
> /usr/share/zoneinfo).
> If the only operating system you boot on the machine is Linux (or,
> generally, if you *don't* use Windows):
> 1) Set your BIOS clock to the current time *in UTC*.
> 2) Ensure that the last line of /etc/adjtime reads "UTC" (instead of
> "LOCAL")
> If you *do* dual-boot to Windows (and don't want to use the
> unsupported methods to make Windows aware that the BIOS time is UTC):
> 1) Set your BIOS clock to the current *local* time
> 2) Ensure that the last line of /etc/adjtime reads "LOCAL" (instead of
> "UTC").
> If you dual-boot Windows 7 or earlier and want to use that unsupported
> method mentioned above:
> 1) Set your BIOS clock to the current time *in UTC*.
> 2) Ensure that the last line of /etc/adjtime reads "UTC" (instead of
> "LOCAL")
> 3) In Windows, in the registry key
> "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation"
> set the value "RealTimeIsUniversal" (a DWORD if you have to create it)
> to "1".
> If you use Windows 8, in addition to the above, you have to disable
> Windows from ever writing the time to the BIOS clock, otherwise on
> shutdown it will reset the BIOS time to local time.

OK, thanks, I have no /etc/adjtime at all,  and I have two files,
/etc/localtime  (not a link) and /etc/timezone.  Should I delete the
later and change the former to a link?

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
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         John Covici

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