On Wed, 14 May 2014, at 12:36 pm, Alexander Kapshuk 
<alexander.kaps...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> … 
>>> If you like to check if RTL8192CE is enabled in  your kernel's .config
>>> file. If it isn't, you probably want to compile it as a module, and then
>>> add rtl8192ce to /etc/conf.d/modules as well.
>> Am pretty sure there's no need to add this one to /etc/conf.d/modules - IME 
>> it'll just be found and loaded automagically by the kernel.
> Thanks for pointing that out. I wasn't aware of that. As I mentioned in
> my previous post, I do not use genkernel myself.

Neither do I - for this reason I found it a little frustrating trying to help 
in a recent thread, myself.

However, I'm pretty sure that loadable kernel modules behave the same whether 
your kernel is built "by hand" or by genkernel - if you have modules listed in 
/etc/conf.d/modules then I have to wonder if you really need them there.

I haven't used that file for years, and I prefer to compile everything as a 
module, too.


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