On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 1:18 AM, Canek Peláez Valdés <can...@gmail.com> wrote: > On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 5:26 PM, <cov...@ccs.covici.com> wrote: > [snip] >> >> Well, the workaround sort of worked -- it went through the initrd -- I >> had debug in the kernel command line, but it did not stop for nothing! >> When it went to the real root, however it did not activate any of the >> lvm volumes I had except for what I specified in the kernel command >> line, causing things not to work well. Also, I noticed that if insisted >> on using the predictable network names, even though I have >> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and >> /etc/udev/rules.d/80-name-slot.rules which work fine in openrc to give >> me back my eth* names. So all in all, it was a mess and took me to an >> emergency shell and that was the end of that. I did eventually activate >> some volumes by lvchange -aay, but obviously that would not work well. > > OK, I was a little mystified about why dracut-036 worked on my system > and 037 didn't. Before I tried any workaround, I wanted to know what > changed from the previous version to the current one. > > So I generated an initramfs with dracut-036-r4 and another one with > dracut-037-r1, and I tried to see what changed from one to the other. > The answer is surprisingly easy: in /etc/cmdline.d/, the following > files where in the 036-r4 version, but not in the 037-r4: > > 90crypt.conf > 90lvm.conf > 90mdraid.conf > base.conf > > Te contents of those files are (90crypt.conf is empty): > > 90lvm.conf > rd.lvm.lv=vg/vol1 > rd.lvm.lv=vg/vol4 > rd.lvm.lv=vg/vol3 > > 90mdraid.conf > rd.md.uuid=f4a59e68:fbe4039f:a39fc86d:e9e91e12 > > base.conf > ro > > So I just changed my /etc/default/grub file: > > GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd quiet nosplash > rd.lvm.lv=vg/vol1 rd.lvm.lv=vg/vol4 rd.lvm.lv=vg/vol3 > rd.md.uuid=f4a59e68:fbe4039f:a39fc86d:e9e91e12" > > I regenerated my GRUB2 config, and now again my LVM test system works > perfectly with the latest dracut version.
I'm an idiot; I didn't saw the documentation about hostonly_cmdline; BTW Jc, you used host_cmdline, I think the former is the correct one. So, to resume: there is no bug, is just that before hostonly_cmdline was yes by default, and now is no by default. This change was documented, but I failed to notice it (and I think the ebuild in Gentoo should print an einfo message). Anyway, I think that explains all my problems; John, I don't know if it will solve yours. Again: did you used "dracut --print-cmdline" to get the command line? Also, have you tried to use -H to generate your initramfs? And finally, have you tried with --hostonly-cmdline? Regards. -- Canek Peláez Valdés Profesor de asignatura, Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México