Jc García <jyo.gar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2014-05-12 21:46 GMT-06:00  <cov...@ccs.covici.com>:
> > Hi.  Well, even with use_fstab=yes, it does not put one, just
> > /etc/fstab.empty of 0 length -- how can I fix?
> >
> That is strange, never had this problem, actually adding this made it
> work for me, I assume you actually used the ' "yes" ', might be
> important for the syntax, I uncompressed my ramdisk a few minutes ago
> to actually verify the fstab, and it is in fact included, might be
> other parameters missing in cofiguration, all uncomented parameters in
> my dracut.conf are these in case it might help you:
> logfile=/var/log/dracut.log
> fileloglvl=6
> add_dracutmodules+="lvm bash dm kernel-modules systemd"
> lvmconf="yes"
> use_fstab="yes"
> host_cmdline="yes"
> kernel_cmdline="cmdline..."
> And when generating I just simply run:
> dracut --kver 'kernel_version'
> As you see my configuration is pretty simple, I suggest you to try
> forcing the inclussion of fstab(extract, and re-compress the image),
> to verify if it solves your booting problem, it might be a dracut
> bug(tough it seems a relatively simple feature to be that prone to
> bugs).

hmmm, do we really need add_dracutmodules+="lvm bash dm kernel-modules

I had the fstab with and without the quotes,  but no difference.  Maybe
I need to include the thing individually?

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici

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