On Saturday 19 Apr 2014 07:43:18 Walter Dnes wrote:
>   I've got another thread going called...
> "Strange behaviour with LILO on new install on old laptop".  Before I
> file a bug report, I want to check first whether it's my fault.  Can
> people here do me a favour?  If you have a Gentoo install CD or USB key
> handy, and are willing to reboot, can you please do the following...
> 1) boot from the install ISO
> 2) chroot to a running environment
> 3) list the output from the 2 commands
>  mount
>  cat /etc/mtab
>   I'm getting absolutely no output at all from those 2 commands in the
> install chroot.  That screws up the lilo ebuild install process.  I want
> to check whether blank /etc/mtab is my fault or not.

The installation handbook used to include a command to write /etc/mtab in the 
chroot by grepping the host mtab, but it's been removed and I haven't been 
able to find it. Meanwhile, I think it's standard behaviour for mtab not to be 
populated during the installation process.

So I'd also be interested to hear from anyone who knows what mtab should 


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