I am a CS prof at NYU, which uses Java for CS 101.  I have taught this
course a few times and have learned Java as a result.  During my
sabbatical year (a coincidence? :-) )the department decided to teach the
eclipse IDE.

I have never used an IDE so though i should try now instead of waiting
until september.

merging eclipse-ecj was painless and sure enough it does seem to compile
my programs.  It even noticed that I didn't close a scanner.
I can still use javac if desired.  Fine.

I have not yet merged eclipse-sdk.  Must I merge this?  The only version
in the main tree is masked and it brings in 83! packages.

Others in the dept (and students) praise the eclipse debugger.  I don't
see how I will be invoking it.  Also what about the eclipse editor?

I guess, I need to be pointed at the right documentation.  I went to
wiki.eclipse.org but am not sure where to go to from here.


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