On Sat, 22 Mar 2014 12:34:53 +0200
Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I disagree.

Can we agree to disagree?

> Your default position on things seems to be to favour the theoretical
> position over the reality. I'm the opposite, being a sysadmin and not
> a developer I'm a realist and not a theoretician. I work with the way
> things are and really only look at the theory when stuff is proven
> broken.

That I want my time to be spent useful is reality, not just theory;
until you can show me the invisible subscription state as well as the
Reply-To mungling are features, I keep my mailer fixed to unbreak that.

> What is currently happening is you are sending mails directly
> addressed to me so they do not get filtered and end up cluttering my
> already full inbox.

That is because you address me about this matter; if you weren't, I
wouldn't have sent you a single mail. Or perhaps one in a hundred days;
I consider the meta discussion brought up here to be more cluttering
than that uncertain single mail.

> You are breaking my filters.

Why do you filters allow list messages in your inbox?

> I do want you to fix your mailer so that you stop inconveniencing me.
> And I would *really* prefer not to have to tweak my filters to
> accommodate you. I'd rather you do that heavy lifting (on account of
> you causing it).

That list messages land in your inbox is caused by your filter and
mail client; as you can see per the example procmail rule, as well as
my mail client, neither of both do that here.

> Do you see what I'm getting at?

No; I don't see why I should stop following the mailing list etiquette,
start relying on possibly wasting time as well as break what is fixed.

But yes; for convenience, I've dropped you from CC.

With kind regards,

Tom Wijsman (TomWij)
Gentoo Developer

E-mail address  : tom...@gentoo.org
GPG Public Key  : 6D34E57D
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