On 19/03/14 04:22, Joseph wrote:
> I'm getting a message from sys-fs/udisks
> ERROR: setup
>  CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND:     is not set when it should be.
> WARN: setup
> I checked my kernel config there is not such options: CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND

It's only checked for older kernels than 3.10 by the 'kernel_is lt 3 10'
version check in the ebuild:

$ grep SUSPEND *.ebuild
udisks-1.0.5.ebuild:        kernel_is lt 3 10 && CONFIG_CHECK+="
~USB_SUSPEND" #331065, #477278
udisks-2.1.3.ebuild:        kernel_is lt 3 10 && CONFIG_CHECK+="
~USB_SUSPEND" #331065, #477278

And you can use "/" button in kernel's menuconfig to search for it

However, it's propably time to upgrade kernel into something newer than

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