On 27/02/14 19:24, Dan Johansson wrote:
> On 26.02.2014 22:24, Poison BL. wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> This is for those of use who to choose to roll our kernels by hand...
>>> So, am I missing something?
>>> Given the most recent gentoo news item:
>>>>  # eselect news read 10
>>>> 2014-02-25-udev-upgrade
>>>>   Title                     Upgrade to >=sys-fs/udev-210
>>>>   Author                    Samuli Suominen <ssuomi...@gentoo.org>
>>>>   Posted                    2014-02-25
>>>>   Revision                  1
>>>> The options CONFIG_FHANDLE and CONFIG_NET are now required in the kernel.
>>> Whenever kernel config options are provided like this, it would be nice if
>>> time was taken to provide the path to where they are found.
>>> I had to find the first one (CONFIG_FHANDLE) by:
>>> 1. grepping .config, seeing it wasn't enabled,
>>> 2. running make menuconfig and searching for 'FHANDLE',
>>> 3. seeing it is located in 'General setup',
>>> 4. scouring the General setup options, finding no 'FHANLDE' anywhere,
>>> 5. finding something in all lowercase named 'open by fhanlde syscalls',
>>> 6. enabling this option, saving the modified config,
>>> 7. confirming it is now enabled by grepping .config again
>>> Sheesh. Really?
>>> Would be nice if the news item had something like
>>> CONFIG_FHANDLE (General setup > 'open by fhandle syscalls')
>>> and
>>> CONFIG_NET (still don't know which one this is??)
>>> Wackadoo...
>> When I search FHANDLE in menuconfig I get:
>>   │ Symbol: FHANDLE [=y]
>>   │ Type  : boolean
>>   │ Prompt: open by fhandle syscalls
>>   │   Location:
>>   │ (1) -> General setup
>>   │   Defined at init/Kconfig:235
>>   │   Selects: EXPORTFS [=y]
>>   │   Selected by: GENTOO_LINUX_INIT_SYSTEMD [=y] && GENTOO_LINUX [=y]
>> This clearly states that the prompt you're looking for is a line that
>> says "open by fhandle syscalls" under "General setup"
>> Sure, it's not the absolute simplest interface (i.e. it doesn't give a
>> 'enable this' in the search results) but it does give all the
>> necessary information about a given option to find it (as well as
>> dependencies and their current states, etc). The most likely reason
>> the news item doesn't list the specific "prompt" text (or even the
>> category) is that, across even sub release versions of the kernel
>> those are prone to change (and, at times, drastically) while the
>> actual CONFIG_<name> option tends to be fairly static through time
>> once it exists (even when superseded by new toys, i.e. older
>> IDE/ATA/ATAPI options vs newer PATA options).
> But if you press "1" in the example above you will "jump" directly to
> the menu item. Clue --> (1)
> Regards,

Seriously, I've known / for years and have had no issues finding anything
myself, but this small information is still news to me.
Nice one.

- Samuli

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