On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 3:09 AM, thegeezer <thegee...@thegeezer.net> wrote:


> using openrc if i reboot a system that requires fsck on /mnt/data it
> will do an fsck. but not log anything anywhere about the result, which
> is why i put this as a pro.

Oh, I see; I hadn't understood this.

> does systemd have configurable options for '/' so that it can run
> readonly rather than dropping to emergency in case of problems?

I believe you can run systemd out-of-the-box with / being RO. That's
why /run and /run/lock are tmpfs' and they are available basically
from the very beginning, and the reason /etc/mtab is a link to
/proc/self/mounts. You need /var and some other stuff RW, if you want
permanent logs and stuff, though.


> can you please clarify what you mean by absorbing iproute2?

I don't use iproute2, so I don't know how big or complex it is; but if
it's small and simple, it could just be absorbed in the systemd repo,
like hwclock was [1].

*This is only speculation from my part*. I don't know how networkd
would evolve in the future; perhaps it will always remain a little
tool for trivial configurations only. And even if it evolves to cover
every possible configuration on Earth, they will go with a different
route from iproute2.


> the only reason that i bring this up is because if you _don't_ use
> systemd then /tmp is a folder hanging off /
> if you _do_ use systemd it will try to mount it tmpfs
> not everyone will realise this which is why i listed it as a 'gotcha' --
> a nuance in working with it but not a major issue.

OK, thanks for the clarification.

[ snip ]

> thanks for the clearing up

No prob.


[1] http://cgit.freedesktop.org/systemd/systemd/tree/src/shared/hwclock.c
Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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