On Saturday 22 Feb 2014 16:26:49 Michael Hampicke wrote:
> Am 22.02.2014 16:56, schrieb Poison BL.:
> > On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Last I did much research on it, the only semi-working implementation of
> > OSX in a VM required VMware Workstation as the host, involved booting a
> > hacked together boot cd image, and crashed and burned hard on updates.
> > It was interesting, but not very viable for anything that's of any
> > measurable importance at all. I tested it out for a couple days to
> > compile a little pice of code a mac user friend wanted to play with...
> > it was dog slow on my system otherwise (but that was likely my system's
> > fault, old E8400 @4GB ram at the time + Win7)
> I too failed miserably trying to run Hackintosh on a Gentoo Host (with
> Virtualbox). It's hard to get it to run at all, and when it runs, it's
> very slow an unstable.
> The only supported way to run OSX in a VM is with an OSX Host and VMware
> Fusion. I tried that too on my MacPro, it runs good, but it's not very
> smooth because you have no hardware acceleration (graphics) inside the
> VM. OSX is just not made to run in an virtualized environment.

Thank you both, your advice will save me time.  :-)


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