because you wrote "poll": $ loginctl show-session 1 Id=1 Timestamp=Mo 2014-02-10 08:45:40 CET TimestampMonotonic=28555352 VTNr=7 Display=:0 Remote=no Service=gdm-password Scope=session-1.scope Leader=1352 Audit=1 Type=x11 Class=user Active=yes State=active IdleHint=no IdleSinceHint=0 IdleSinceHintMonotonic=0 Name=sgw
--- this is with gnome-3.10 and the session is started with gdm- (systemd-208-r3) Mounting USB-stuff works without root-pw ... the only feature needing this is when I start the virtual machine manager (for administration of the VMs on the various QEMU/KVM-hosts I run). But this is maybe by design and OK in a way. Stefan