On 27/01/2014 11:45, Thanasis wrote:
> on 01/27/2014 12:38 AM Alan McKinnon wrote the following:
>> On 27/01/2014 00:12, Thanasis wrote:
>>> I am following stable (ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="amd64").
>>> In order to install the "mate" desktop I need to install the mate
>>> overlay and keyword all its packages as ~amd64.
>>> Is there a way to do it easily for the whole overlay?
>> As far as I'm aware, this is not part of portage or layman's feature
>> set. I've seen a few overlays that provide a package.accept_keywords
>> file you can symlink to, but this is just a convenience. It is neither
>> required nor the norm.
>> I suggest you script it somehow. Alan's blunt instrument first cut
>> attempt (guaranteed to be buggy as all hell):
>> find /var/lib/layman/<some_overlay>/ -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d
>> -wholename "*-*/*" | cut -f6-7 -d/ >>
>> /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/<some_overlay>
> Thanks Alan, although obviously I should adopt Michael's inherent to
> portage solution:
> */*::overlay-name ~amd64

Yes, I saw that when he posted. It's a neat feature, pity I'd never
spotted it myself before (would have saved me a lot of pain)

Alan McKinnon

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