On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:47:38PM +0200, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote

> you have to load dri in the modules section first (and glx maybe too).
> BUT from your log: your card is to new for dri/render, so it falls
> back to some.. I don't know-mode ;)

  The log file now says...

(**) RADEON(0): PCI Express not supported yet, using PCI mode

  So much for that idea.  The Gatos project page on Sourceforge says
they've recently received docs and sample hardware from ATI, and work is
under way to support this card.  But nothing released yet.  Before I
send off my dead machine to the re-cycling centre, would a Radeon 7000
be better supported?  I can pull that card from the dead machine and try
it out.

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