On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 5:39 PM, Sam Jorna <sam.t.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 09/12/13 09:36, walt wrote:
>> On 12/08/2013 10:39 AM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>> On Sun, 8 Dec 2013 11:12:23 -0600, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
>>>>> It has the same problem.  I looked more carefully at the systemd logs
>>>>> and found that lvm was running before the xhci kernel module was
>>>>> loaded, hence the usb3 drive was not visible yet.
>>>>> I "fixed" the problem by adding "After=basic" to the lvm.service
>>>>> file, and now it works as expected. (Expected by me, anyway :)
>>>> Well, at least is working, however is kinda an ugly fix. Could you
>>>> create the file /etc/modules-load.d/usb3.conf, with the line xhci in
>>>> it, reboot, and see if your little hack is not needed then? Also, if
>>>> you are using an initramfs, could you rebuild it before trying?
>>> Alternatively, build xhci into the kernel, since you need it at every
>>> boot.
>> Both of the suggestions above reversed the order of the journalctl
>> messages so that the usb3 drive appears before lvm.service is run,
>> but pvscan still finds no volumes and the volume group is not active
>> after bootup :(
>> I changed After=basic.target to After=sysinit.target, which still
>> gets it working well enough for my primitive needs.  IMHO that fix
>> allows me to decrement ${HACKED} by one :)
> Just a thought, but isn't there a unit file for autoloading modules
> (therefore making it usable as a After= target)?

That's what /etc/modules-load.d is for:


Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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